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Purchase Whirlpool Appliance from Barrigada, Guam

At AFM Wholesale in Barrigada, we’ve built a business providing appliance sales and service to our island community. Whether you need a replacement part or a whole new kitchen’s worth of appliances, we can help you find a great deal on top brand-name equipment and parts. Plus, you can ask our team about special orders for items you don’t see currently in-stock.

New fridge handle


In this tropical climate, you need a refrigerator you can trust for consistent and even temperatures to protect food. At AFM Wholesale, we offer the most reliable brands at amazing prices, so keeping cool doesn’t have to break the bank.

Our Whirlpool top-freezer refrigerator, for example, has a sleek, handle-free profile and starts at just $599. If you prefer side by side doors, built-in water dispensers, bottom-freezer drawers, or other upgraded features, we have those options too. We offer classic and modern styles in all colors.

Inside freezer


If the freezer in your refrigerator isn’t enough space to stock up for a BBQ or keep your favorite products on ice, then a separate freezer chest is the solution you need. Local restaurants and small businesses also may need the extra capacity to keep food fresh for larger groups.

AFM Wholesale offers chest freezers for your kitchen, garage, or restaurant. For personal use, the Amana compact chest freezer is just $379 for 9 cubic feet of space, making it a great deal for anyone who has a little extra space to keep a freezer unit. You’ll also find heavy-duty larger models with compartments and baskets, like the Whirlpool chest freezer with extra-large capacity. It has an impressive 22 cubic feet of space for just $999.

Gas stove top


From electric ranges to oversized gas ovens, you’ll have all the cooking power you need to feed a small army or just yourself. Our Whirlpool electric ranges with 4.8 cubic feet of oven space start at just $499, while the Amana brand gas ovens start at $599.

In addition to stoves, you’ll find plenty of sizes and colors of convenient microwaves to match your other kitchen appliances. Visit our showroom to see more and explore the settings and features.

Washer and dryer

Washers and dryers

AFM Wholesale in Barrigada is proud to have one of the largest selections of washing machines and dryers on the island. You’re sure to find machines that fit your budget and lifestyle. We even offer commercial models with extra capacity, like the Whirlpool 27-inch top-load commercial washer (and matching 27-inch large capacity electric dryer) to handle constant large loads of laundry. Our models include top and front-loading options, so call us or visit our store today if you’re searching for a specific brand or size.

Starting at just $499, you can also see some of our current models online.

We accept special orders!
(671) 734-7789